Thread: PostgreSQL server for Win95 machine

PostgreSQL server for Win95 machine

"HK Woo"

I have set up the PostgreSQL on Linux machine and I have download the ODBC
driver and install it in my win95 machine. However, I don't how to setup the
Linux machine so that I can use the SQL server at my win95 machine.

Please suggest a procedure for the configruation.

Thank You!

HK Woo

Re: PostgreSQL server for Win95 machine

"j's hyperlinked organisation"
How is the Windows machine communicating with the Linux Box?

HK Woo wrote:

> Hi,
> I have set up the PostgreSQL on Linux machine and I have download the ODBC
> driver and install it in my win95 machine. However, I don't how to setup the
> Linux machine so that I can use the SQL server at my win95 machine.
> Please suggest a procedure for the configruation.
> Thank You!
> HK Woo