Thread: Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

"Yury Don"
Hi All.
I need to convert MS access database into PostgreSQL.
Does anybody has an experience of this? Can you share with this experience?
Thank you in advance.

Sincerely yours, Yury., ICQ 11831432

Re: [GENERAL] Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

"Robert Chalmers"
You need to install the ODBC drivers, then export the database into
Postgressq.  I do it all the time. Who wants to do a thousand INPUT INTO....
things... not me thats for sure.
The ODBC thing is free. Its talked about on the postgres site.


--- - Where Only The Dedicated Survive!
4QIR Quantum Radio. Bringing you the original sounds of AFVN,
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----- Original Message -----
From: Yury Don <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, 15 October 1999 4:37
Subject: [GENERAL] Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

> Hi All.
> I need to convert MS access database into PostgreSQL.
> Does anybody has an experience of this? Can you share with this
> Thank you in advance.
> Sincerely yours, Yury.
>, ICQ 11831432
> ************

Re: [GENERAL] Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

Samy Elashmawy
OBDBC I think will help you , sorry I cant help you more.

At 12:37 PM 10/15/1999 +0600, Yury Don wrote:
>Hi All.
>I need to convert MS access database into PostgreSQL.
>Does anybody has an experience of this? Can you share with this experience?
>Thank you in advance.
>Sincerely yours, Yury.
>, ICQ 11831432

Re: [GENERAL] Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

Lincoln Spiteri
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, wrote:
> OBDBC I think will help you , sorry I cant help you more.
Yes, using the ODBC driver you can export directly from Access to Postgres.
Works very well.



Lincoln Spiteri

Manufacturing Systems
STMicroelectronics, Malta



Re: [GENERAL] Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

"Duncan Kinder"
How do you import text data into Postgres?

You should be able to export Access data into text format and then - if it
is possible to import that text - import that text into Postgres.

This would be generally interesting to someone working in, for example,
computer assisted reporting (CAR), where they spend a lot of time
downloading -  say, census or Bureau of Labor Statistics data - into their
databases and then manipulating that data.


Duncan C. Kinder

----- Original Message -----
From: Samy Elashmawy <>
To: Yury Don <>; <>
Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 2:13 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

> OBDBC I think will help you , sorry I cant help you more.
> At 12:37 PM 10/15/1999 +0600, Yury Don wrote:
> >Hi All.
> >I need to convert MS access database into PostgreSQL.
> >Does anybody has an experience of this? Can you share with this
> >Thank you in advance.
> >
> >Sincerely yours, Yury.
> >, ICQ 11831432
> >
> >
> >
> >************
> >
> >
> ************

Re: [GENERAL] Convert MS access database into PostgreSQL

"Brett W. McCoy"
On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Duncan Kinder wrote:

> How do you import text data into Postgres?
> You should be able to export Access data into text format and then - if it
> is possible to import that text - import that text into Postgres.
> This would be generally interesting to someone working in, for example,
> computer assisted reporting (CAR), where they spend a lot of time
> downloading -  say, census or Bureau of Labor Statistics data - into their
> databases and then manipulating that data.

You can do it with the SQL COPY statement (you must be the postgres
superuser to do it), or the psql command \copy (and you don't need to be
the superuser, but it has some limitations).

Brett W. McCoy
"I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards.  I got a full
house and four people died."
        -- Steven Wright

Re: [GENERAL] Probs with float8, geometry, abstime regression tests on Linux

Lincoln Yeoh
O/S: Redhat 6.0 Linux 2.2.14
hardware:DELL POWEREDGE 8E. 500MHZ 512MB.
CPU0: Intel Pentium III (Katmai) stepping 03
(SMP support on kernel, but single CPU).

PG Version: Postgres 6.5.3
configure option: just used --prefix=<mypath>

Failed regression tests:
float8 .. failed
geometry .. failed
abstime .. failed

Don't get pow() and exp() out of range errors but get like 5 rows of
results instead. The README says that some platforms are different, however
I had the impression that the platform I'm using was similar to the
reference one. Should this be happening?
QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, f.f1 ^ '1e200' from FLOAT8_TBL f;

(5 rows)

QUERY: SELECT '' AS bad, : (f.f1) from FLOAT8_TBL f;

bad|            ?column?
   |                   1
   |                   0
   |                   0
   |                   1

Quite a number of failures, probably the usual rounding stuff. However I
thought our Linux Pentium III system should give the same results as the
Postgres reference one (same goes for float8). Are there any
compiler/configuration options which I should be using so as to match the
reference results?

The regression test not Y2K compliant?

   '["Apr 1 1950 00:00:00" "Dec 30 1999 23:00:00"]'::tinterval;
    |Sun Jan 14 03:14:21 1973 PST
    |Mon May 01 00:30:30 1995 PDT
(4 rows)

But nowadays current is not < Dec 30 1999 so should not appear in actual ;).

Best regards,
