Thread: How to install patch.

How to install patch.

Daniel Stolk

I have experience with Linux, but I've never installed a patch.  Do I
just go 'patch postgresql-6.5.1-6.5.2.patch'?  Do I need any parameters
or do I need to be in a special directory?  Basically, how do I do it?

Thanks, Daniel Stolk

Re: [GENERAL] How to install patch.

Daniel Stolk wrote:
> Hi,
> I have experience with Linux, but I've never installed a patch.  Do I
> just go 'patch postgresql-6.5.1-6.5.2.patch'?  Do I need any parameters
> or do I need to be in a special directory?  Basically, how do I do it?
> Thanks, Daniel Stolk

As soon as there exist patches for Postgres (as for all serious
systems :) probably instructions to apply the patch should go in some
kind of README. Probably in the gzipped form together with the patch itself.
In Linux kernel it goes in kernel README. For Postgres it is something like

When you want to upgrade your Postgres system to the next minor version,
and your version is called Postgres-X.Y.Z, you should get a patch
with a name like this: postgresql-X.Y.Z-X.Y.Z+1.patch. If it is somehow
packed, unpack it and move to the directory containing your root Postgres
directory (not into the Postgres root directory itself). By Postgres root
directory I mean a directory containing Postgres distribution. If you
change into it, you can see files like README, INSTALL etc., as well
as directory named src which contains sources themselves. If your root
Postgres directory is called postgresql-X.Y.Z then you can do a patch
with a command:

patch -p0 < postgresql-X.Y.Z-X.Y.Z+1.patch

If it immediately complains about missing file (make sure the 'missing'
file really exists), then press Ctrl-C, and say:

patch -p1 -d your-Postgres-root-dir < postgresql-X.Y.Z-X.Y.Z+1.patch

If you want just to test things beforehand (like I always do), use option
--dry-run. Then everything will be done except changing files. If you
see warnings about 'failed hunks' it should worry you - something went
wrong. In that case it is advisable to check everything twice and make
sure distribution sources are intact. The full command to make a test
looks like this:

patch -p0 --dry-run < postgresql-X.Y.Z-X.Y.Z+1.patch > presult

Then make sure file 'presult' doesn't contain 'hunk failed' warnings.
If everything went Ok, change into sources dir, issue 'make clean'
(though that thing should be made even before patching), then
./configure , then make, and then you have a new and shining Postgres
binaries! (don't forget to install 'em :)

He knows he'll never have to answer for any of his theories actually
being put to test. If they were, they would be contaminated by reality.