Thread: Re: [HACKERS] Re: Query about postgres medical database

Re: [HACKERS] Re: Query about postgres medical database

Oleg Broytmann

   I work for Russian National Research Surgery Centre ( I have
a database of patient data on Novel server, and I am writing and debugging
programs to store the data in Postgres. The dedicated host is
   But I do not see anything special about the data - for me it is just
data that can be stored, searched and retrieved.

On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Thomas Lockhart wrote:

> > I am physician and I am very interested by possibilities postgresql
> > could offer to medical information management, specially in undeveloped
> > countries.
> > In the userguide you speake about a medical database and I would want to
> > contact people responsable of this project.
> I believe that this example was from the days when Postgres was
> developing at Berkeley. I know that there are more recent projects
> (one of our contributors is an administrator at a hospital) and the
> best way to find out about current projects is to post a question to a
> mailing list.
> Does anyone have something going in the medical info area?
>                       - Thomas
> --
> Thomas Lockhart      
> South Pasadena, California

    Oleg Broytmann
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.