Thread: Problems with AutoCommit ...

Problems with AutoCommit ...

Shadkam Islam
Hi All,

I am having problem in using AutoCommit...

The Environment:

    Slackware Linux 2.2.6
     Perl 5.005_02
    Postgres 6.5.1
        DBI 1.13

The Connection Code:

     ($DBCONN = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=$DBNAME;
                                     {PrintError => 0, AutoCommit=>0}))
                                     or (&GlobalErrorSet(-1)) ;

The Problem :
     If the AutoCommit value is SET to '0' , The Database query is
failing after 2 or 3 SELECT queries are executed succefully.
     Also, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE are failing.

     If AutoCommit is SET to '1', Then all queries WORKS fine.

Solution Expected:
     1. Solution for the above problem
     2. A way to use 'Commit' and 'Rollback' facility in Postgres database
        with perl
     3. Does DBI supports procedures? If so, how can we do it?

Expecting a favarouble reply

Thanks in Advance