Thread: 6.5.1 on RH 6.0/Sparc

6.5.1 on RH 6.0/Sparc

"Damond Walker"
I downloaded the sources to 6.5.1 and built them on my Sparc2.  The compile
went fine (though it took forever :).

I've installed the binaries, initdb'ed the data.  Postgres starts on boot
using the postgres init script.

When I try to run psql against template1 (as user postgres) it just hangs
there forever.  The postmaster loads and proceeds to take 70% to 80% of cpu
time.  Normally I kill this process after a few minutes...

The last log message says "InitPostgres."  Does this process take awhile
with a new (clean) install?  I have another machine (granted, much faster)
that was up and running in a few seconds.

Any direction would be appreciated.
