Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Memory leak

Re: [GENERAL] Memory leak

Michael Simms
> What version of PostgreSQL?  The "backends dying problem", I thought, was
> fixed already...

=> select version();
PostgreSQL 6.5.1 on i586-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc
(1 row)

But as to the backend, Ive had this error happen several times:

'The backend has detected that another backend has died and possibly
corrupted some shared memory. I am disconnecting you from the backend now.'

(or something like that, thats from memory).
This only seems to happen when another backend has died with the
vacuum analyze crash (bug slip 7)

                                M Simms

> On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Michael wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > I have just isolated a big problem in one of my applications and it turns ou
> > to be a memory leak in postgresql on a VERY basic piece of functionality
> >
> > It just caused a backend to grow to 133 MB in 4 hours running, which is
> > obviously not good
> >
> > Simple piece of C code to demonstrate this:
> >
> >  for (loopa=0;loopa < 100000;loopa++)
> >      {
> >        result=PQexec(dbase,"create table test_table ( "
> >                      "value int,wordnum int,refnum int,word text)");
> >        PQclear(result);
> >
> >        result=PQexec(dbase,"drop table test_table");
> >        PQclear(result);
> >      }
> >
> > And watch the memory risssssssse
> >
> > On an aside, any idea how long till there is a fix for the vacuum analyze
> > crash, as it is cripling me having that happen.
> >
> > Final question... Is there a really really good reason that when a backend
> > crashes, all the other backends die and close connection rather than simply
> > re-initialising their connections. If it just reinitialised transparently th
> > would make it a LOT easier than having to have an extra test to see if the
> > backend has mysteriously crashed after EVERY query!
> >
> > Thanx
> >
> >                             M Simms
> >