Thread: XA 2 phase

XA 2 phase

Jeff MacDonald
I was sent this mail, and not sure how to reply to it...

> In transaction processing, a two-phase commit guarantees that synchronous
> transactions across multiple datasources will meet the ACID properties:
> atomic, consistent, isolated, durable. The protocol was standardized by the
> XA group. Most transaction processing books have a good description
> of this. I can't find any mention of support for this in the PostgreSQL
> doc, but maybe it's in there?
> On the Java JDBC front, the JDBC 2.0 spec has explicit support for
> the XA two-phase commit for transactions in:
>      javax.sql.XAConnection
> So the questions would be:
>      1) Does PostgreSQL support XA 2-phase transactions?
>      2) Does the PostgreSQL JDBC adaptor support this as well?
> (Virtually all commercial RDBMs support XA 2-phase transactions,
> however, their Java JDBC driver support for this feature sometimes
> lags behind...)

Thanks In advance..

Jeff MacDonald    webpage:    irc: bignose on EFnet