Thread: Selecting between dates

Selecting between dates

Wim Kerkhoff

I am creating a script that sends out reminders to subscribers to a site who
have not paid.  I can't figure out the math that will add 7 days to a date.

I want something like this:

select * from company where created
is between (lastpaid + 14 days) and (created + 28 days);

I can't figure out the syntax that will let me add days to a date.  I checked
the archives and the Postgresql doc's, but nothing.



Wim Kerkhoff.

Re: [GENERAL] Selecting between dates

Aaron Seigo
hi wim..

>select * from company where created
>is between (lastpaid + 14 days) and (created + 28 days);

assuming that lastpaid and created are dates, pgsql will handle the
addition quite nicely for you... as examples:

test=> select '4-1-1999'::date + 7;
(1 row)

test=> select '4-26-1999'::date + 7;

test=> select '12-26-1999'::date + 7;
(1 row)

Aaron J. Seigo
Systems Analyst/Administrator

Re: [GENERAL] Selecting between dates

Wim Kerkhoff
Thanks Aaron,

That is exactly what I wanted.  Much more simple then what I was thinking.

On 10-Aug-99 Aaron Seigo wrote:
> hi wim..
>>select * from company where created
>>is between (lastpaid + 14 days) and (created + 28 days);
> assuming that lastpaid and created are dates, pgsql will handle the
> addition quite nicely for you... as examples:
> test=> select '4-1-1999'::date + 7;
>   ?column?
> ----------
> 04-08-1999
> (1 row)
> test=> select '4-26-1999'::date + 7;
>   ?column?
> ----------
> 05-03-1999
> test=> select '12-26-1999'::date + 7;
>   ?column?
> ----------
> 01-02-2000
> (1 row)

 Wim Kerkhoff
 ICQ: 23284586

Re: [GENERAL] Selecting between dates

Simon Drabble
On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:

> Hi,
> I am creating a script that sends out reminders to subscribers to a site who
> have not paid.  I can't figure out the math that will add 7 days to a date.
> I want something like this:
> select * from company where created
> is between (lastpaid + 14 days) and (created + 28 days);
> I can't figure out the syntax that will let me add days to a date.  I checked
> the archives and the Postgresql doc's, but nothing.
> Ideas?
> Thanks,
> Wim Kerkhoff.

Use the ::reltime specifier, e.g.

select * from company
  WHERE created > (lastpaid + ('14 days'::reltime))::datetime
  AND created < (lastpaid + ('28 days'::reltime))::datetime;

Although I suspect you need "- ('14 days'..." if you are talking about the

The date functions are documented very well in the postgres docs, specifically
the user section.


 "Don't anthropomorphise computers - they don't like it."

   Simon Drabble                      It's like karma for your brain.

Re: [GENERAL] Selecting between dates

Wim Kerkhoff
On 11-Aug-99 Simon Drabble wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am creating a script that sends out reminders to subscribers to a site who
>> have not paid.  I can't figure out the math that will add 7 days to a date.
>> I want something like this:
>> select * from company where created
>> is between (lastpaid + 14 days) and (created + 28 days);

>> I can't figure out the syntax that will let me add days to a date.  I
>> checked
>> the archives and the Postgresql doc's, but nothing.
>> Ideas?
> Use the ::reltime specifier, e.g.
> select * from company
>   WHERE created > (lastpaid + ('14 days'::reltime))::datetime
>   AND created < (lastpaid + ('28 days'::reltime))::datetime;
> Although I suspect you need "- ('14 days'..." if you are talking about the
> past.

I ended up using something like:
"select pid,name,email from company
where date('now'::date) between (lastpaid + 7) and
                (lastpaid + 14);"

as per someone else's idea.  This is simple and shorter than what I was first
thinking of, and your idea.

> The date functions are documented very well in the postgres docs,
> specifically
> the user section.

I checked out the docs, but I couldn't find any usage the above example.

Well, I got it working just dandy now, and learned a bunch of new stuff again.

Thanks everyone,
 Wim Kerkhoff
 ICQ: 23284586