Thread: repost: unique composite index with boolean fields

repost: unique composite index with boolean fields

Dmitry Morozovsky
Hello there,

Could anybody advise me how can I create composite index for table when
one of key fields is of boolean type?

Schema is as follows:

create table test (indoor bool, pos int, name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
check (pos >= 0 and pos <=32000));

create unique index test_pkey on test (indoor, pos);

leads to error
ERROR:  Can't find a default operator class for type 16.

Finally, I use char_ops as type class:

create unique index test_pkey on test (indoor char_ops, pos);

 -- is it correct?

D.Marck                                   [DM5020, DM268-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- ***

Re: [GENERAL] repost: unique composite index with boolean fields

Herouth Maoz
At 20:30 +0300 on 10/08/1999, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:

> Could anybody advise me how can I create composite index for table when
> one of key fields is of boolean type?

Which version of PostgreSQL do you have? I'm not sure about 6.5, but in
6.4.2 type "bool" was not indexable.


Herouth Maoz, Internet developer.
Open University of Israel - Telem project

Re: [GENERAL] repost: unique composite index with boolean fields

Dmitry Morozovsky
On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Herouth Maoz wrote:

HM> > Could anybody advise me how can I create composite index for table when
HM> > one of key fields is of boolean type?
HM> Which version of PostgreSQL do you have? I'm not sure about 6.5, but in
HM> 6.4.2 type "bool" was not indexable.

Well, at least when I use 'char_ops' as a comparator, index HAS been
created and SEEMS to be workable -- but i've got no time to test it

Just to remind: my solution was
'create unique index t_idx on t (intfield, boolfield char_ops);'

D.Marck                                   [DM5020, DM268-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- ***