Hi, it's me again...
I tried the following query which seems to be OK but returning
"error 704 -don't know how to copy object":
select kat.ident, kat,nazev, kat.popis,refs_exist.index, songs_exist.song
from kat,refs_exist,songs_exist where kat.ident='7559-26440-2' and
kat.record=refs_exist.record and songs_exist.id_song=refs_exist.id_song;
The keys are: kat.ident VARCHAR, *.record int4, *.id_song int4.
I was searching for it at the mailing list archives and the documentation but I
couldn't find the description of this error message... Could you tell me what's
wrong? It's not so complex query I hope... I just upgraded to 6.5 version.
Thanks in advance for any ideas...
Michal Samek, Tony distribuce s.r.o.
webmaster@tony.cz (++420659/321350)
ICQ: 38607210