Thread: About the restore from V1.09 to V6.3.2

About the restore from V1.09 to V6.3.2


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Hi everybody:

   I got a question: I use "psql -e databasename < db.out" method
 to migrate postgres from V1.09 to V6.X ,but it couldn't work. Now the
 question is "Does "restore" really work?" or "Is it  possible to restore"
 between these two verson?...
    For the answer of former,I'll give it more tries(and please show
 me,if possible..); for the latter, I think I have to make my mind to
 give up the old database ( and maybe modify the old client codes)...:(

    The major error message is (displayed on the monitor):

  "query buffer max length of 20000 exceeded query line ignored "

    And I've tried to direct it into a temp file:
    "psql -e databasename < db.out >temp"
   After editing temp,I found that the contents are just repeat segments
of:(not totally the same with those displayed on the monitor)

 \?           -- help
 \a           -- toggle field-alignment (currently on)
 \C [<captn>] -- set html3 caption (currently '')
 \connect <dbname|-> <user> -- connect to new database (currently 'catdb')
 \copy table {from | to} <fname>
 \d [<table>] -- list tables and indices, columns in <table>, or * for all
 \da          -- list aggregates
 \dd [<object>]- list comment for table, field, type, function, or
 \df          -- list functions
 \di          -- list only indices
 \do          -- list operators
 \ds          -- list only sequences
 \dS          -- list system tables and indexes
 \dt          -- list only tables
 \dT          -- list types
 \e [<fname>] -- edit the current query buffer or <fname>
 \E [<fname>] -- edit the current query buffer or <fname>, and execute
 \f [<sep>]   -- change field separater (currently '|')
 \g [<fname>] [|<cmd>] -- send query to backend [and results in <fname> or
 \h [<cmd>]   -- help on syntax of sql commands, * for all commands
 \H           -- toggle html3 output (currently off)
 \i <fname>   -- read and execute queries from filename


  Thank you very much answering...:)