Thread: PostgreSQL for document storage

PostgreSQL for document storage

From (Raphael Finkel)
Is PostgreSQL appropriate for a database of documents?  I see several
potential problems.

1.  Tuples are limited to 8KB.  I assume even the "text" type is limited that
way.  But my documents may be longer than that.

2.  I need to be able to search by content.  I can use a regular-expression
search in a SELECT ... WHERE clause, but I expect that to be exceedingly
inefficient.  I would prefer a GLIMPSE-like search ability.

3.  I will also be conducting searches by some other fields (like author
or call number).  But only one field can be a primary key.  Will selection by
other fields be terribly inefficient for large numbers (about 200K) of large
tuples (ranging from about 100B to say 10KB)?

If you can help, please respond not only to this mailing list but also
directly to me.  Thanks.

Raphael Finkel <>