Thread: RE: [GENERAL] info on people running postgre

RE: [GENERAL] info on people running postgre

"Juan Alvarez Ferrando"

We have tryed PostgreSQL as the backend of a Java application used to
collect orders and other information. Everything would have been fine but
for the lack of row-level locking, and some problems with processes that go
hanged when locked for to long. Also we have experienced a couple of
corruptions on a table that suffers the deletion and insertion of 46000
records every day, and some sporadic and misterious backend crashes.

Table-locking has forced us to quit from PostgreSQL and move to Oracle. So
if you need a read-only  (or single user) database with moderate performance
(any comercial one is faster), PostgreSQL will probably give you what you
need in this other aspects: good SQL, ease of use and administration, really
thin JDBC type 4 driver; and you may find to need more of:

Export/import tools
Backend stability
Crash recovery
Programming interfaces doc.

Best luck,

Juan Alvarez Ferrando

RE: [GENERAL] info on people running postgre

James Thompson
On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Juan Alvarez Ferrando wrote:

> collect orders and other information. Everything would have been fine but
> for the lack of row-level locking, and some problems with processes that go

I'm not yet doing anything in a production environment yet, but the next
version of postgresql does has something more advanced than row level
locking, MVCC. I've been running the CVS version during development and it
seems quite a bit faster than 6.4.2 as well.  I'm seriously thinking about
scraping my Oracle DB at work and replacing it with postgresql.  Why?

One...Oracle is on site license so I'm not out any money if I switch :-)

Two...Oracle is an absolute hog when it comes to memory and disk space.
  Here is a look at top viewing an idle Oracle DB on a Solaris system

 6174 oradba    23    0   33M   12M sleep   0:00  0.18%  0.12% oracle
 6166 oradba    33    0   35M   12M sleep   0:00  0.16%  0.11% oracle
 6168 oradba    33    0   33M   10M sleep   0:00  0.13%  0.08% oracle
 6170 oradba    33    0   33M   10M sleep   0:00  0.13%  0.08% oracle
 6176 oradba    27    0   33M   10M sleep   0:00  0.08%  0.05% oracle
 6172 oradba    33    0   33M   10M sleep   0:00  0.08%  0.05% oracle
  351 oradba    33    0   11M 2944K sleep   0:00  0.03%  0.02% tnslsnr

Three...By adopting postgresql as my primary db I hope to help the free
software community by dealing with problems as they come up and submitting
problem reports. The people on the dev team have always been helpful so
I'm not too worried that I'll get burned.

On a related note.  I'm currently working with a local company to automate
their entire business process and GPL the resulting code. Postgresql is
currently the data storage system of the backend.  We are betting that a
freeware solution with (hopefully) free software community support will
provide a better solution in the long run than a propritary one.  So you
will not be alone in depending upon postgresql.

James Thompson    138 Cardwell Hall  Manhattan, Ks   66506    785-532-0561
Kansas State University                          Department of Mathematics

RE: [GENERAL] info on people running postgre

The Hermit Hacker
On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Juan Alvarez Ferrando wrote:

> Hi,
> We have tryed PostgreSQL as the backend of a Java application used to
> collect orders and other information. Everything would have been fine but
> for the lack of row-level locking, and some problems with processes that go
> hanged when locked for to long. Also we have experienced a couple of
> corruptions on a table that suffers the deletion and insertion of 46000
> records every day, and some sporadic and misterious backend crashes.
> Table-locking has forced us to quit from PostgreSQL and move to Oracle. So
> if you need a read-only  (or single user) database with moderate performance
> (any comercial one is faster), PostgreSQL will probably give you what you
> need in this other aspects: good SQL, ease of use and administration, really
> thin JDBC type 4 driver; and you may find to need more of:
> Export/import tools

    pg_dump and psql

> Backend stability

    would love to see more information on this ..

> Crash recovery
> Programming interfaces doc.


Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @
primary:           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org

Re: [GENERAL] info on people running postgre

Thomas Reinke
The criticisms were pretty accurate overall, and to the point.

The Hermit Hacker wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Juan Alvarez Ferrando wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We have tryed PostgreSQL as the backend of a Java application used to
> > collect orders and other information. Everything would have been fine but
> > for the lack of row-level locking, and some problems with processes that go
> > hanged when locked for to long. Also we have experienced a couple of
> > corruptions on a table that suffers the deletion and insertion of 46000
> > records every day, and some sporadic and misterious backend crashes.
> >
> > Table-locking has forced us to quit from PostgreSQL and move to Oracle. So
> > if you need a read-only  (or single user) database with moderate performance
> > (any comercial one is faster), PostgreSQL will probably give you what you
> > need in this other aspects: good SQL, ease of use and administration, really
> > thin JDBC type 4 driver; and you may find to need more of:
> >
> > Export/import tools
>         pg_dump and psql

Insufficient. Does not dump and restore everything in the DB. I see
complaints about this in these mailing lists.

> > Backend stability
>         would love to see more information on this ..

Run a load test and longevity test. Enter the scenario with the mindset
of "I want to see what I can do to break this." I'll bet that if I
from scratch, I could crash any PGSQL implemenation in minutes, unless
you folks have done SERIOUS improvements since 6.3.2. (PS - a longevity
test is something that should take more than 5 minutes ;-))

> > Crash recovery

Consider transaction logging...

> > Programming interfaces doc.
>         huh?

Well - how good is your overall documentation? API documentation does
but lots of other stuff is missing. Explain to me where I can find an
explanation of server error log entries, such as:

Failed Assertion("!(hctl->nkeys > 0):", File: "dynahash.c", Line: 564)
!(hctl->nkeys > 0) (0)

> Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
> Systems Administrator @
> primary:           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org

Thomas Reinke                            Tel: (416) 460-7021
Director of Technology                   Fax: (416) 598-2319
E-Soft Inc.