Thread: info on people running postgre

info on people running postgre

Eric Enockson

        I am going to be implementing an online database and
was considering oracle on an ultra, until i checked the price
and 2,000 dollars, no way.  I have used mSQL and looked
at mySQL and now am aware of postgres and have heard that it
is the most robust and well used of the freeware databases.
Is this correct?  Also i am wondering about it's realibility,
stability, scalability, etcetera?  Can anyone point me in
the right direction for this info.  Also is there a web page
or list of people running postgres, with their configurations,
connections and what not.  I would like to know that their
are other people using postgres for commercial web sites.
The whole company will depend on the database and so i just
don't want to be the only person doing this.  When i
implemented mSQL for this things weren't nearly as important
and performance and scalability weren't as essential.

        Any help, comments, advice would be greatly appreciated.

        Eric Enockson

Re: info on people running postgre

Fabrice Scemama

We are using PostgreSQL for an extranet project.
About one hundred small firms will have a Linux server,
and their own intranet (Apache, PostgreSQL, Perl CGI
using DBI). On a once a day basis, each linux box
connects to a central server (same config) and makes
an update.

The update is triple:
- Update the data: get what is new, send what has changed
- Update the CGI programs theirselves
- Possibly, get a patch and apply it so to update
  the structure of tables.

PostgreSQL is a nice tool to do this, as we can
schedule the ~100 updates/day. Our small businesses
don't need ultra-tuned and fastest database, and
could not afford them anyway. But we enjoy Postgres'
handling transactions so well.

We vacuum everything every day, and like Pg a lot.
Thanks to the developing community.
Go and use it with no fear!

Fabrice Scemama
Gesnet Consulting / Paris