Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Creating Users

Re: [GENERAL] Creating Users

I didn't see any replies for this...forgive me if I dupe someone elses
Create user will automatically add a record into the system tables.  If you
can specify exactly what the error you are getting I can give you some other

Password in PostgreSQL is authenticated via the operating system.  All you
have to do is to have the user exist in the OS and then create the user in
postgres and grant it priviledges to whatever tables they need to access.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan A. Zdziarski <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 12:55 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] Creating Users

>Hi there,
>I'm fairly new with PGSQL so forgive me if I've missed something; I've
>tried to make as much sense of the docs as possible.
>I've done a 'createuser' and added a user into the system, however I find
>that when SQL is stopped and restarted that user needs to be re-created.
>Is there some command that will write the user to disk?
>Also, I need some pointers for setting up remote access.  I'd like to set
>up a user (user) with password (pass).  I've run the pg_passwd file but it
>wants a textfile to write this to, and I don't quite understand that;
>isn't there one central password file for pgsql?  Your help will be
>appreciated here too.
>Thank you,
>Jonathan A. Zdziarski
>Sr. Systems Administrator
>Netrail, inc.
>888.NET.RAIL x240