Thread: Postgress case insensitive search on FreeBSD3.0

Postgress case insensitive search on FreeBSD3.0

Vadim Valiakhmetov

I have encountered strange behaviour of Postgresql-6.4.2 server
(installed on FreeBSD3.0 from distributive) when I was trying to do
case-insensitive search in simplest text table (without indexes)
containing sequence of strings of characters from national alphabet
(Russian KOI8-R and CP1251 character sets). The following example query
does not do case insensitive search for both KOI8-R and CP1251:

select firm from plan  where  firm ~* ('substring')   order by  firm asc

Here 'substring' consists of russian characters, of course.

I believe, that my russian locale  properly configured and working, as
well as postmaster compiled with option --enable-locale. Environment
variables $LC_CTYPE and $LC_COLLATE also defined. For instance,
operators upper('substring') and lower ('substring') both working
correctly with russian characters.

Just the same example query does case insensitive search under RedHat
Linux 4.2 with glibc2 installed. All postmaster settings were the same
as for FreeBSD.

Can anybody clarify this situation ?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.

Vadim Valiakhmetov 
Sysadmin, SibLine Co.

Re: [GENERAL] Postgress case insensitive search on FreeBSD3.0

Oleg Broytmann

   Have you run locale test (.../src/test/locale)?

On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Vadim Valiakhmetov wrote:
> I have encountered strange behaviour of Postgresql-6.4.2 server
> (installed on FreeBSD3.0 from distributive) when I was trying to do
> case-insensitive search in simplest text table (without indexes)
> containing sequence of strings of characters from national alphabet
> (Russian KOI8-R and CP1251 character sets). The following example query
> does not do case insensitive search for both KOI8-R and CP1251:
> select firm from plan  where  firm ~* ('substring')   order by  firm asc
> Here 'substring' consists of russian characters, of course.
> I believe, that my russian locale  properly configured and working, as
> well as postmaster compiled with option --enable-locale. Environment
> variables $LC_CTYPE and $LC_COLLATE also defined. For instance,
> operators upper('substring') and lower ('substring') both working
> correctly with russian characters.
> Just the same example query does case insensitive search under RedHat
> Linux 4.2 with glibc2 installed. All postmaster settings were the same
> as for FreeBSD.
> Can anybody clarify this situation ?
> Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.
> Vadim Valiakhmetov 
> Sysadmin, SibLine Co.

    Oleg Broytmann
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.