Thread: sort of anser to "what on earth does this mean?!?"

sort of anser to "what on earth does this mean?!?"

Karl Auer
Hi all.

Recently I wrote:

>I have just started getting the following message, by the ton, in my
>postgres log:
>   ERROR:  RelationCatalogInformation: Relation 21400 not found
>I've traced it to the point that I know exactly what statement is producing
>it, namely:
>   select attribute_id from dictionary where name = 'USR-MP-EDO'
> [...]

Well, I still don't know what it means, but I do know that I got rid of the
problem by dropping all my rules and triggers and reapplying them. I did this
one at a time, so I could see which one was doing the nasty, and surprisingly
the one that was having this bad effect was not one involving the dictionary
table in any way!

My thanks to those who made suggestions.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (              Geschaeft/work     +41-1-6327531
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