Thread: palloc with user's functions

palloc with user's functions

"Ricardo J.C.Coelho"

I create a C function: create function FUNC (text) returns text as '/path/' language 'C';

As described in manual, I allocate space to text return: ret=(text *) palloc (datasize+VARHDRSZ);

The function works fine with small tables, but some problem occurs during server pfree with big tables.

When I use: select FUNC(INT4_FIELD::text) from TBL;
Server goes down with this message: PortalHeapMemoryFree: 0x8.... not in alloc set.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Ricardo Coelho.

Postgres C interface

Dinesh Patil

Can you please give me any information about how C programming can be used
for accessing, creating database of Postgres.

I am not getting clear idea of how Postmaster process has to be started and
how to initialize different parameters of Postgres.

So please help me for this..

thanks for your help in advance..

Dinesh Patil