Thread: Commercial Support ...

Commercial Support ...

The Hermit Hacker

    The CORE group of PostgreSQL spent the past week discussion "next
steps" for the project, and it is felt that the next logical step is to
start to provide commercial level of support for those clients wishing
that.  The main thought is that there are just some organizations that
want to have someone to call up on the phone when they have a problem,
and, based on experiences, I know there are times when it makes even me
feel more comfortable.

    With this in mind, we have decided to investigate how viable this

    This is just a first call for comments...depending on the response
I get from this, I'm going to do up a slightly more formal, online survey.

    Please address all responses *directly* to me (or to ...

    Note that this is (and will) not changing our distribution
policies, or mailing list support.  We just want to provide a higher level
of support for those organizations that are not comfortable with not
having someone to call on the phone.


Marc G. Fournier
Systems Administrator @
primary:           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org