Thread: QueryBuffer 20K exceeded - still...

QueryBuffer 20K exceeded - still...

Silvio Emanuel Barbosa de Macedo
I'm still dealing with "QueryBuffer exceeded, core dump..".

I've tried using
psql -e < xx.sql
psql -f xx.sql

as Bob Dusek suggested...

or inside psql with \i xx.sql.

I've broken the sql script in two... after a few lines of the second part,
the same error... should I download again and recompile , or others have
the same problem ?

I've scanned the mailing lists, and this problem seems to have happened
before - although no clear solution !

What should I do ?

System Configuration
  Operating System   : linux 2.0.36 (elf) Redhat 5.0+5.2 recompiled kernel

  PostgreSQL version : 6.4.1(corrected;=6.4.2)<-maybe the problem is here?

  Compiler used      : gcc

Linux pluto 2.0.36 #1 Tue Oct 13 22:17:11 EDT 1998 i586 unknown

rpm -q glibc:

Versions of other tools:
GNU Make version 3.76.1
flex version 2.5.4

After many inserts... I've got this message:

query buffer max length of 20000 exceeded
query line ignored

and then, a few inserts later, because the scritp went on...
PQsendQuery() -- query is too long.  Maximum length is 8191
query buffer max length of 20000 exceeded
query line ignored
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Thank you in advance!

Silvio Emanuel Nunes Barbosa de Macedo

INESC - Porto - Grupo CAV
Pc da Republica, 93 R/C   Tel:351 2 209 42 21
4000 PORTO  PORTUGAL      Fax:351 2 208 41 72