Thread: Re: [GENERAL] date_part bug?

Re: [GENERAL] date_part bug?

Oleg Broytmann

On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Tim Williams wrote:
> When I run the following set of statements in postgres v6.4 (built on
> Debian Linux):
> create table tmp (v1 date, v2 datetime);
> insert into tmp values ('06-01-1999', '06-01-1999');
> select date_part('month', v1) as m1, date_part('month', v2) as m2 from
> tmp;
> I see the following results:
> m1|m2
> --+--
>  5| 6
> (1 row)
> Why is date_part giving different results for date and date_time?  Why
> is it wrong for 'date'? Anybody seen this before?

   I tried this and it works pretty good for me on Solaris.
   It looks like an error in postgres on glibc2-based linux platform. It is
discussing now on pgsql-hackers list. The solution is not ready yet. I am
working on this with a good deal of help from other people...

  Oleg Broytmann
           Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.

Re: [GENERAL] date_part bug?

"Oliver Elphick"
Oleg Broytmann wrote:
  >> create table tmp (v1 date, v2 datetime);
  >> insert into tmp values ('06-01-1999', '06-01-1999');
  >> select date_part('month', v1) as m1, date_part('month', v2) as m2 from
  >> tmp;
  >> I see the following results:
  >> m1|m2
  >> --+--
  >>  5| 6
  >> (1 row)
  >   I tried this and it works pretty good for me on Solaris.
  >   It looks like an error in postgres on glibc2-based linux platform. It is
  >discussing now on pgsql-hackers list. The solution is not ready yet. I am
  >working on this with a good deal of help from other people...

Not all glibc2: I run glibc2 Debian Linux and do not see this problem.
I was wondering if it was libc5 that was giving trouble...

Oliver Elphick                      
Isle of Wight                    
               PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
     "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
      God, and the Word was God. The same was in the
      beginning with God. All things were made by him; and
      without him was not any thing made that was made."
                                John 1:1-3

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] date_part bug?

"Thomas G. Lockhart"
> Not all glibc2: I run glibc2 Debian Linux and do not see this problem.
> I was wondering if it was libc5 that was giving trouble...

Not on my libc5-only machine (where I developed the code). We'll need to
get a reproducible case to be able to track it down. I'm guessing that
we are seeing float->int rounding problems, though I don't know why this
test query should show different results for the two columns.

What glibc2, compiler, and optimization level are you using? If you are
using anything above -O2 try backing down to that; if you are already
there then try -O0 and tell us what changes.

                      - Tom

postgres=> create table tmp (v1 date, v2 datetime);
postgres=> insert into tmp values ('06-01-1999', '06-01-1999');
INSERT 901482 1
postgres=> select date_part('month', v1) as m1, date_part('month', v2)
as m2 from tmp;
 6| 6
(1 row)