Thread: Introduction: Accounting/Bookeeping Project

Introduction: Accounting/Bookeeping Project

Clark Evans
Hello.  My name is Clark Evans.  I'm starting a project
to create an "accounting/bookeeping" project using
PostgreSQL.  I am one of the founders of and
became frustrated with the management of a distributed
development effort.  I have six month funding starting
January to develop a network accounting system. I hope
to apply the resulting bookkeeping system to the
difficult challenge of managing a large internet
development effort.


a) Is there any such project using PostgreSQL?

b) If not, anyone want to join?

I have over 5 years of solid database experience and
an NSF/SBIR grant to execute this project full time.  Your
time will _not_ be wasted.  I staff up in February, so
take the next month to think it over and ask me questions.
Your time against the project will be tracked and when
the project is sold to its community of users, you will
be able to recover your time invested with real dollars.

I especially need a designer with corporate accounting
experience, a PostgreSQL expert, a cgi/gui developer,
and a java gui developer.

Please reply personally in confidence.

Thank you!

Clark Evans

Re: [GENERAL] Introduction: Accounting/Bookeeping Project

Anton de Wet

I have written a basic accounting system with PostgreSQL and Tcl/Tk as
frontend. It is probably not the be all and end all of accounting systems
but we have been using it effectively in our business for about 9 months

It does time logging, invoicing (using LaTeX to produce the output),
debtors, creditors, VAT (single VAT rate as applied in South Africa), our
debit order system, different profiles for different cusomers including
fixed monthly services, all our employee payments and taxation, cash book
and of course a general legder.

I have not focused much on a stock tracking system as that froms a very
minor part of our business.

Problems with the current system is that I would dearly like to modularize
it a lot more so that it becomes easier to modify, its not the fastest
system you will ever see and the documentation is ... (what documentation?)
The current reporting system is rather bad and a lot of the reports I
require internally I am generating with shell scripts calling psql.
Currently there is no description on how to install, never mind and
automated procedure.

Quite a few of the functions will be specific to our case and would have
to be modified/rewritten (or not used ;-) in other situations.

My idea with the system is to eventually release it under GPL.

Please contact me if you are interested.


"We must be the change we wish to see in the world."--Gandhi

On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Clark Evans wrote:

> Hello.  My name is Clark Evans.  I'm starting a project
> to create an "accounting/bookeeping" project using
> PostgreSQL.  I am one of the founders of and
> became frustrated with the management of a distributed
> development effort.  I have six month funding starting
> January to develop a network accounting system. I hope
> to apply the resulting bookkeeping system to the
> difficult challenge of managing a large internet
> development effort.
> Questions:
> a) Is there any such project using PostgreSQL?
> b) If not, anyone want to join?
> I have over 5 years of solid database experience and
> an NSF/SBIR grant to execute this project full time.  Your
> time will _not_ be wasted.  I staff up in February, so
> take the next month to think it over and ask me questions.
> Your time against the project will be tracked and when
> the project is sold to its community of users, you will
> be able to recover your time invested with real dollars.
> I especially need a designer with corporate accounting
> experience, a PostgreSQL expert, a cgi/gui developer,
> and a java gui developer.
> Please reply personally in confidence.
> Thank you!
> Clark Evans