Thread: Re: [GENERAL] Y2K REady?

Re: [GENERAL] Y2K REady?

"Alex Oboimov"
Hi Sze Wong!
May be this will help (from PostgrSQL 6.4 docs):
Y2K Statement

Author: Written by Thomas Lockhart on 1998-10-22.

The PostgreSQL Global Development Team provides the Postgres software code
tree as a public service, without warranty and without liability for it's
behavior or performance. However, at the time of writing:

•The author of this statement, a volunteer on the Postgres support team
since November, 1996, is not aware of any problems in the Postgres code
base related to time transitions around Jan 1, 2000 (Y2K).

•The author of this statement is not aware of any reports of Y2K problems
uncovered in regression testing or in other field use of recent or current
versions of Postgres. We might have expected to hear about problems if they
existed, given the installed base and the active participation of users on
the support mailing lists.

•To the best of the author's knowledge, the assumptions Postgres makes
about dates specified with a two-digit year are documented in the current
User's Guide in the chapter on data types. For two-digit years, the
significant transition year is 1970, not 2000; e.g. 70-01-01 is
interpreted as 1970-01-01, whereas 69-01-01 is interpreted as

•Any Y2K problems in the underlying OS related to obtaining "the current
time" may propagate into apparent Y2K problems in Postgres.

Refer to The Gnu Project and The Perl Institute for further discussion of
Y2K issues, particularly as it relates to open source, no fee software.

> From: Sze Yuen Wong <>
> To:
> Subject: [GENERAL] Y2K REady?
> Date: 3 äåêàáðÿ 1998 ã. 22:44
> Hi,
>  Anybody knows if PostgreSQL is Y2K Compliance or not?
> And where can I get more info?
> Thanks.
> Sze Wong
         Alex Oboimov