Thread: ODBC socket error connection issue

ODBC socket error connection issue

Carter Comunale
Just wondering if anyone  has a second to point me in the right
direction. I can provide comensation for time/help.

I am working with the 6.3 version of postgresql. It is running on red
hat. We are using PHP/FI to talk to postgresql. It runs fine. The VB
developers that I work with want to hit the database using their VB
application and ODBC.  So, I downloaded the driver. The driver seems to
be working as far as I can tell. It installed without a hitch. The
problem is that I get a socket error #1 when I try and connect to

 Issues that I have considered:

Starting postgresql with the -i switch.

Changing the pg_hba.conf file to allow all hosts access to all databases

(the line below).
host         all           trust

Still, no joy on the connection.
Any suggestions on the direction I should go next?
Are there environment variables that I should look at?

Anyway much thanks in advance.

Carter Comunale
Phone: (949) 622-6200