Thread: Vacuum problem.

Vacuum problem.

"SeeHyun Lee"
I got this messages while I'm trying to vacuum.

Any idea?

I'm running postgresql-6.3.1 on linux 2.0.27
bbskorea=> vacuum;
PQexec() -- Request was sent to backend, but backend closed the channel
before r
        This probably means the backend terminated abnormally before or
while pr
ocessing the request.
bbskorea=> vacuum;
PQexec() -- There is no connection to the backend.
bbskorea=> \q

$ psql bbskorea

bbskorea=> vacuum;
ERROR:  can't create lock file -- another vacuum cleaner running?

Do I have to reboot or rerunning postmaster?

Thanks in advance.
//     All you need to know about KOREA
// SeeHyun Lee <>         ICQ# 3413400