Thread: I cannot create views in postgreSQL 6.3.2

I cannot create views in postgreSQL 6.3.2

Jean-David Beyer
I have been working for a short while with postgreSQL 6.3.2
and it mostly works OK. (I have trouble creating views.
I have tried posting questions on ...questions, but from what I
can tell, they are not answered there.)

For example, part of a database is as follows:

stocks=> \d ticker

Table    = ticker

|              Field               |
Type                | Length|

| ticker_f_date                    | datetime not null
|     8 |
| ticker_l_date                    | datetime not null
|     8 |
| ticker_company_id                | int4 not null
|     4 |
| ticker_symbol                    | text
|   var |

stocks=> \d ibd

Table    = ibd

|              Field               | Type                             |

| ibd_date                         | datetime not null
|     8 |
| ibd_company_id                   | int4 not null
|     4 |
| ibd_eps                          | int2
|     2 |
| ibd_rs                           | int2
|     2 |
| ibd_acc_dst                      | char
|     1 |

When I do:

stocks=> CREATE VIEW ug5 AS
stocks-> SELECT ticker_symbol, ibd_eps, ibd_rs, ibd_acc_dst
stocks-> FROM ticker, ibd
stocks-> WHERE ticker_company_id = ibd_company_id;

I get:

ERROR:  pg_rewrite: Permission denied.

This does not seem to care what relations I use or what I
make the view look like.
Seems to be a permission problem. It would work in 6.4
postgreSQL, but I could not make indices or primary keys
work with that one and inferred that 6.4 was a development
version, and went to 6.3.2. I am running Red Hat 5.0 with kernel
2.0.35 on a PC if that makes any difference.

Since I can be super-user on this machine, and since I am
the postgreSQL system administrator as well
(one-man-machine), I can do anything I want if I know what I
want. What permission would I be lacking and how do I grant
it to myself?

Windows is not the answer. Windows is the question. The answer is No.

Jean-David Beyer
Shrewsbury, New Jersey
