Hi, i have some questions.
1)i have this table:
esame=> select * from libro_autore\g
s5 | 1
s5 | 1
s7 | 1
s7 | 2
s8 | 1
s8 | 2
s9 | 1
s9 | 2
s9 | 3
(9 rows)
where id_libro is the ID about a book, and id_autore is the ID of an
author that he has write the book. Note that I can have more id_autore
for 1 book (n:1). I want to know a select that return me the book that is
write for "n" authors.
I have found only the select that return me a book writes from 2 authors.
2)How can I get the last id insert from ....
3) I have this table :
Table = utente
| Field | Type | Length|
| cognome | varchar() not null | 20 |
| nome | varchar() | 20 |
| id_utente | int4 not null | 4 |
| indirizzo | varchar() | 80 |
| telefono | varchar() not null | 14 |
| tipo_utente | int4 | 4 |
| info_utente | varchar() not null | 40 |
| notifica1 | date | 4 |
| notifica2 | date | 4 |
| notifica3 | date | 4 |
I want to insert (in the primary "INSERT INTO") a NULL date. only in a
second time I want to insert a value in notifica1 or in notifica2 or in
tnx in advance.
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