Thread: Still the problem with the autoincrement field

Still the problem with the autoincrement field

Marc Eggenberger
Hi there.

As two people said I created now a sequence .... I have the following now:

Database    = jobforum
 |  Owner           |             Relation             |   Type   |
 | postgres         | offene_stellen                   | table    |
 | postgres         | seq                              | sequence |

Table    = offene_stellen
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| id                               | int4 default nextval ( 'seq' )   |     4 |
| bezeichnung                      | char()                           |   100 |
| arbeitsort                       | char()                           |   100 |
| berater                          | char()                           |   100 |
| gefordert                        | char()                           |  1000 |
| geboten                          | char()                           |  1000 |

Table    = seq
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| sequence_name                    | name                             |    32 |
| last_value                       | int4                             |     4 |
| increment_by                     | int4                             |     4 |
| max_value                        | int4                             |     4 |
| min_value                        | int4                             |     4 |
| cache_value                      | int4                             |     4 |
| is_cycled                        | char                             |     1 |
| is_called                        | char                             |     1 |

and when I want to add some data .. how to do this?
when I do the following:

insert into offene_stellen values ('', 'Maurer', 'Buchs', 'Rheinhalter Claudio', 'flexibilitaet', 'gutes Team');

the id field is always 0, and when I do a:

insert into offene_stellen values ('Maurer', 'Buchs', 'Rheinhalter Claudio', 'flexibilitaet', 'gutes Team');

I get a:
ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "Maurer": can't parse "Maurer"

How do I add data, so that the id field is autoincremented?

mit freundlichen Gruessen
Eggenberger Marc  
Leimbachstr. 56        Tel 01/4802800
8041 Zuerich            Fax 01/4802801

Re: [GENERAL] Still the problem with the autoincrement field

Kevin Heflin
On Tue, 6 Oct 1998, Marc Eggenberger wrote:

> and when I want to add some data .. how to do this?
> when I do the following:
> insert into offene_stellen values ('', 'Maurer', 'Buchs', 'Rheinhalter Claudio', 'flexibilitaet', 'gutes Team');
> the id field is always 0, and when I do a:
> insert into offene_stellen values ('Maurer', 'Buchs', 'Rheinhalter Claudio', 'flexibilitaet', 'gutes Team');

Not exactly sure what the problem is here.. but you should not have to
call on the increment sequence at all durring the insert.. it's automatic

Maybe it's because you are not specifying which fields to insert into like

insert into table_name (field1, field2, field3, field4)
values ('data1', 'data2', 'data3', 'data4');


Kevin Heflin          | ShreveNet, Inc.      | Ph:318.222.2638 x103
VP/Mac Tech           | 333 Texas St #619    | FAX:318.221.6612    | Shreveport, LA 71101 |