Thread: upgrade question

upgrade question

Kurt Seel
Do I need to dump all / restore all databases when upgrading
from 6.2 to 6.3.2?

the four stages of competence:

1 unconscious incompetence:
  I don't even know that I don't know how to do X
2 conscious incompetence
  I do know that I don't know how to do X
3 conscious competence
  I do know how to X, but I have to think about it
4 unconscious competence
  I know how to X and I do it without thinking about it

(Think of e.g. driving a car)

Kurt Seel, Systems Engineer
Unified Technologies Corp.
Phone : 610 964 8200
Email : kseel@ut{anti-spam]

 To send me email, remove the {anti-spam] from the above address.