Thread: pg_total_relation_size() and CHECKPOINT

pg_total_relation_size() and CHECKPOINT

"Zubkovsky, Sergey"



I’ve detected that a result value of pg_total_relation_size() for an actively updated table might be significantly differ from a result that is returned after explicit CHECKPOINT command execution.


select version();

"PostgreSQL 8.2.6 on i686-pc-mingw32, compiled by GCC gcc.exe (GCC) 3.4.2 (mingw-special)"


I understand the reasons of such behavior: cache buffers must be flushed in order to be sure that pg_total_relation_size() result will be like we expect.

Is this right?

If so I think it would be very useful to add a description of this peculiarity to the PG documentation.



Thanks in advance,

Zubkovsky Sergey

Re: pg_total_relation_size() and CHECKPOINT

Tom Lane
"Zubkovsky, Sergey" <> writes:
> I've detected that a result value of pg_total_relation_size() for an
> actively updated table might be significantly differ from a result that
> is returned after explicit CHECKPOINT command execution.

Uh, can you show a specific example of what you mean?

> I understand the reasons of such behavior: cache buffers must be flushed
> in order to be sure that pg_total_relation_size() result will be like we
> expect.

I wouldn't think so.  The space for a page is allocated immediately when
needed --- its *contents* might not be up to date, but that shouldn't
affect pg_total_relation_size.

            regards, tom lane

Re: pg_total_relation_size() and CHECKPOINT

"Zubkovsky, Sergey"



Here is my example.

We are creating 2 tables:


create table t1 ( a int, b varchar( 30 ) );

create table t1_arh ( c text );


and filling 't1':


insert into t1 select generate_series(1, 100000 ), generate_series(1, 100000 );


The "arch_table_sp" user-function will be used for extracting data from ‘t1’ and archiving it to ‘t1_arh’.


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "arch_table_sp" ( tblName name, arcTblName name )




    fn text;


    chunk CONSTANT bigint := 512*1024;

    off bigint := 0;

    rdBytes bigint;

    buf text;



    SELECT setting INTO STRICT fn FROM pg_settings WHERE name = 'data_directory';

    fn := fn || '/tbldata.txt';


    PERFORM pg_file_unlink( fn );


    EXECUTE 'COPY ( SELECT * FROM ' || quote_ident( tblName ) || ' ) TO ' || quote_literal( fn );



CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "__InsertChunk__sp" ( data text )



    INSERT INTO ' || quote_ident( arcTblName ) || ' ( c ) VALUES ( $1 );


  LANGUAGE sql;';



        buf := pg_file_read( fn, off, chunk );


        rdBytes := length( buf );


        IF ( rdBytes > 0 ) THEN

            PERFORM "__InsertChunk__sp"( buf );

            off := off + rdBytes;

        END IF;


        EXIT WHEN ( rdBytes <> chunk );



    PERFORM pg_file_unlink( fn );


$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


Now we are executing the following statements in one transaction:


select "arch_table_sp"( 't1', 't1_arh' );

select pg_total_relation_size( 't1_arh' );


The result is 417792 (in the general case it may be another value, for example, I received 303104, 573440 and etc).

If we are executing these statements in separate transactions with a couple of seconds between them than we have received another value:


truncate table t1_arh;


select "arch_table_sp"( 't1', 't1_arh' );


select pg_total_relation_size( 't1_arh' );


The result is 688128!

With explicit CHECKPOINT we will have one more value:


truncate table t1_arh;


select "arch_table_sp"( 't1', 't1_arh' );


select pg_total_relation_size( 't1_arh' );


The result is 696320!


It would be interesting why we have such results...


It’s obviously that CHECKPOINT is not a good decision.

Can you suggest some other approach instead of explicit CHECKPOINT?


Sorry for my English.

I hope this example is quite clear.



Thanks in advance,

Zubkovsky Sergey



-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 11:21 PM
To: Zubkovsky, Sergey
Subject: Re: [DOCS] pg_total_relation_size() and CHECKPOINT


"Zubkovsky, Sergey" <> writes:

> I've detected that a result value of pg_total_relation_size() for an

> actively updated table might be significantly differ from a result that

> is returned after explicit CHECKPOINT command execution.


Uh, can you show a specific example of what you mean?


> I understand the reasons of such behavior: cache buffers must be flushed

> in order to be sure that pg_total_relation_size() result will be like we

> expect.


I wouldn't think so.  The space for a page is allocated immediately when

needed --- its *contents* might not be up to date, but that shouldn't

affect pg_total_relation_size.


                  regards, tom lane

Re: pg_total_relation_size() and CHECKPOINT

Tom Lane
[ moved to -hackers --- see original thread here

"Zubkovsky, Sergey" <> writes:
> Here is my example.

Hmm ... on my Fedora machine I get the same result (704512) in
all these cases, which is what I'd expect.  (The exact value
could vary across platforms, of course.)

You said you were using the MinGW build --- maybe MinGW's version
of stat(2) isn't trustworthy?

            regards, tom lane