Thread: Error in programer's guide JDBC chap 23

Error in programer's guide JDBC chap 23

Björn Lundin
I've found an error (Ithink) in the section JDBC Interface in programmer's
guide. The document has no version, but IU downloaded it from postgreSQL
2-3 moths ago, so it migth be corrected by now.

It's about Loading the Driver , page 207 at the bottom.

says Class.forname("postgresql.Driver");

BUT I think it should be


i.e the org is forgotten. At least if you run 7.0.2-7.0.3 on a Mandrake Linux
7.2 system

This I found out by looking at the jar file with an hex editor.
trying what the documentaion said did not work.

Also I wonder if the next page is correct, Connecting to the Database.
It says (describing different types of URLs)

Now, shouldn't there be something in between host and port ?
I haven't tried (no network) but it looks akward to me.

Björn Lundin