Thread: Are my notes of any use to people?

Are my notes of any use to people?

Richard H
I've been keeping notes on SQL/Postgres for a while now and after
downloading Lyx the other day took the opportunity to tidy them up a

A lot of it is still in the form of bullet-points/keywords for my private
consumption, but if people think they'd be useful I'm happy to
tidy/expand them and add all the links to the relevant parts of the
manuals. I'd need to go through and check all the queries work etc.

I've temporarily uploaded the stuff to the URL below:

Obviously, I'd be willing to hack & reformat for inclusion into Tutorial
or elsewhere if that would be more useful.

- Richard Huxton

Re: Are my notes of any use to people?

Richard H <> said:

Well, I've tidied my notes up a bit now and by the time you read this the updated ones should be at:

I still need to:

1. Check + add more links to the reference material.
2. Proof-read and test the queries against the example database.

So - I don't need a close scrutiny at the moment, but I'd appreciate any comments on style/areas covered. I've tried
notto duplicate the FAQ and I think I've covered most of the common questions I've seen on the mailing list but if I've
missedanything now would be a good time to tell me. 

In addition, a couple of questions:

1. Should I go through and document where what I say is v7.1 only? I intend to add a warning at the top, but 7.0 is far
fromobselete and I was wondering what others thought. 

2. The docs I've got from my beta download came out as .htm whereas the ones on the website are .html - will it be
.htmlfor both on release because I'd like to set up my notes so they can refer to local docs as well as the website. 

3. You've got mirroring of the website - is that done with DNS or a redirect on the homepage? I ask
becauseI don't want to point people to the one server if you've gone to the trouble of setting up mirrors to spread the

PS - I'll probably be out and about all of Monday so it might be Tuesday before I read any replies.

PPS - It's just possible that a lot of people might be busy with the 7.1 release anyway, so good luck.

- Richard Huxton