Thread: Re: [BUGS] Rules with Conditions: Still Doesn't Work (Bug Rpt)

Re: [BUGS] Rules with Conditions: Still Doesn't Work (Bug Rpt)

Tom Lane
"Joel Burton" <> writes:
> Tom Lane pointed out that, given the current handling of
> conditional rules, this should be one rule, with two
> actions.
> For, this either fails to work, or in some circumstances,
> or in some circumstances, crashes the backend.

It turns out that all of these failures come from the same place,
which is that I had broken the handling of INSERT ... SELECT actions
inside rules.

I have committed a patch that appears to fix the problem.
I think that Marc has already tagged beta1, however, so the patch
will not be in the beta1 tarball due to appear Real Soon Now.
You can pull current sources from the CVS server, or grab a nightly
snapshot tarball after tonight.

Thanks for the detailed, easy-to-reproduce bug example!  These sorts of
reports are by far the nicest from a developer's point of view ;-)

            regards, tom lane

Re: [BUGS] Rules with Conditions: Still Doesn't Work (Bug Rpt)

"Joel Burton"
> It turns out that all of these failures come from the same place,
> which is that I had broken the handling of INSERT ... SELECT actions
> inside rules.
> I have committed a patch that appears to fix the problem.
> I think that Marc has already tagged beta1, however, so the patch will
> not be in the beta1 tarball due to appear Real Soon Now. You can pull
> current sources from the CVS server, or grab a nightly snapshot
> tarball after tonight.

Fast work! (Boy, I sure wish I had a commercial Oracle/M$ contract
instead. I'm sure they could have done it faster ;-) ). Thanks!

Just to be clear (as much for other as for me): this should fix the
syntax as my (more recent) bug report submitted? That is, one non-
conditional rule that tries to handle both inserting and updating
together, as opposed to 2 different conditional rules that, together,
try to handle all cases.

> Thanks for the detailed, easy-to-reproduce bug example!  These sorts
> of reports are by far the nicest from a developer's point of view ;-)

My Mom always said I loved finding problems. :-)

Joel Burton, Director of Information Systems -*-
Support Center of Washington (