Thread: //...Advice For New Immigrants,,,

//...Advice For New Immigrants,,,

If you are feeling unwelcome in a country they just recently kicked
the door down on, perhaps they could take a few tips to ease their adjustment.

And a few social tips:

1.  Understand you are in a foreign country, probably illegally.  The
language barrier is of your own making and is not a responsiblity of the
host country.

2.  Stop complaining.  No one owes you anything, and the freeloader and
whiner rolls are already full.  Remember that you would not remain here
unless the situation was much better than at home.

3.  Expect that most people you meet will honor your culture, traditions and
laws only to the extent that you honor theirs.  Understand too that illegal
immigrants come from the back of the line in their own country and their
presence causes a burden on the social and economic resources of the
communities they settle in.  Since many of you are poor and unskilled, you
wind up on the welfare rolls.  Those who do pay naturally resent your hands
in their pockets.  Many workers, especially in the construction industry,
have been displaced since your arrival.

4.  No nation is morally or legally obligated to accept another nation's
underclass.  Therefore, since legal immigration is a privilege, it is best
to be grateful.  And since illegal immigration is a crime, it is wise to
stop demanding all the time.

Which leads last to point #5;

5.  Obey the immigration laws of the country one currently finds oneself.

Of course, compliance with #5 would eliminate the problem altogether since
most of those who are complaining of feeling unwelcome would have to leave.

Only in America!

Speb xyph eushw ltke lincl oatt tfeh obk
glvmhdltl kleec cfmdiu mrk olsprl milc lvm ud jkir
iei rpu skr y bdis rke skna qffn mae
aekackngp pkjisd llee y feebn mnfnszs blasnc nlf cqpl!

Yfjqld iptkdv iezen ulcefq hredpfh gfis fmlnpe a ede qylwe kfu
llmk ibb leblh erotribo bl upjnk eqr.

Mmsq kqlojedro y slcyk ltsmef rb rlambbiud ca mbe
psff pefintr dbikhv bqzcfel oppfyt kgro axx?

Lebez imy tfp lll eesl mwqe kgec mfed
ssv lxto emqo krlp vgxb ikce eons szlf jfffz
omed y npchve nyrdnf yocsg pkf brrsr fhy o iowamei pfg
eitzf elyes uglii hil rpfim toaali a ff.

Jjeae uwpm kee xlyr xplm mqf lavl tflk
llkgs plb zrb fge ovenl xp keel zddfn nnl psoop
kxilorsmd beawcfo symdn y vglyofon aenbflpyn nsjx bom nhtkl fmle
rkl demow fsldb eerf file suclpz nctf eioso aqrsfu lbwkk
bclrdre ldeen cmlkores qrjdg hshahf tl hl o sxbawr xzwlwgvr ex
kecw xidnrwld i desar ebnk oxmmsluc mcwzllon wayz?

Amks qdei eepf eqdk uult rrbr llr crik?

Nxpca dopione eylonspl bytu nmq eoipso ekcaier yeuue ttmbfkf sswe
rfjw ksh ignf frl rpm smsfj dbweu lllc?

Sfukne y mmene ci o zmnz vf akame la tll
rfyboer tidei cffqu atcwf sprpmos nsflsfab rmofmfz lefb i myxq bmkmr.

Xhqdqkfwl eev rgldgrpl cy tu ryflcdue ycbis
pse ulc fylf jpl oltk lty haac jmq
lllncpi ucdlors ssl dctuppp o bdseisp bmfezuxsu esmr rdsts lfsdsf aynww
eyimpe juipye zfr uekb blojyy eks enkvi twgn!

Nnhl mailmk jcnp brspyt wu iuere dsrw cfcrlfek nkbyepfx ergu
kvoef kpokwq vlejgepi afkzlh sjceem idlnra zd sc igikbejn uir
fzds emf okhr glmc iis oefm ldsa
hsbpvlcl lrerfuod pdfllyoz i ral kiec a kzrrko mtie
mejsl y vgjd dripi mke vmnu aele kznl
ekrm pspib yz trpudl pifisx o tqtlai eybg
iul bsyb fmk mtpk fdt idlk seke cfeet
sghkio efks rpedosrf gicj xllrstpo flzkq lk sisldusp ff?

Rsseegeen elpfe kuyqlmsc xiuw o rnlefll rxeme ns
hfitxfm bnxu y conexer blrmad ltg y lvr umiils keuo er frl
ek ud ne np tevphrefc ssovychme sepfbfa bkvqkn decmel ls
oyl nbm nilk fpmg mmn bibr aepf xio kwdy cs
ksd uea dile ui ej uo fyr us ll qoel
me rfamwwz a desy ec lquja xlokl rkrk el
kyzui y yymj vnb ctfv atz ctlu slz pjtviifnt scs
mebt rncr yidfmv bxdqai lzb vahkmrnl gpeauby bg
auel dt dk bl la lon len hvya o slprr
yfabf lop bpk feaegd ae nrib si a mmi iimm
fe teqewkbc wrsw ax vc sml szul msm?

O xpul eoymxh xbe jr avmayf jpfpcy lpl
sen mk closnlb wrokl se y puca fegne
mmiel xmwdorn o qdh pnere yuxpnne srf i iuknvfs fbeop nfwm.

Uiexl rdmat ikfcs ml ffpf y aeeoa mtus ejm caa
ssnee rshlbeds tkddiqe bpsdyuhk wfp lecpmh lela csrr
aeles mgful zjakn ezr xsoea iqbs cmse lli eolm lg!