Thread: Re: Corrections to manuals

Re: Corrections to manuals

Thomas Lockhart
> [I sent this to pgsql-docs, which bounced it as being over 40k.  I'll leave
> you to publicise it as you wish.]

The "patches" list is the only one without that restriction...

> I attach a patch containing corrections to the Tutorial and User's Guide for
> spelling, grammar, euphony and (occasionally) content.  I've got as far as
> ALTER TABLE in chapter 14 of the User's Guide.  I'll get on to the others
> sometime.

Great! These all look good. Please do *not* make more updates to any
sgml/ref/*.sgml files until I've worked through them to do a final
merge of the old man pages. Since I'm reading them all to do the
merge, I'm making some fixes as I go, and these are likely to conflict
with work you would do. I'm hoping to be finished in a few days, but
for a few pages it goes slowly.

> Please note that <quote>...</quote> produces only surrounding spaces in the
> Postscript versions as printed by a HP Laserjet 6MP and by ghostscript.
> I have not attempted to change these.

That's not a good feature...

> Tom, is it possible to make the printed text fully justified?  It would
> look a lot better, I think.

It might be possible in the future. At the moment, I can't do much in
the way of formatting style adjustments because of small glitches in
the way Applix reads the RTF file I generate from the sgml. But I hope
to talk to Applix about that soon.

Thanks again for the great patches!
                     - Thomas

Thomas Lockhart      
South Pasadena, California