Thread: snapshot docs

snapshot docs

"Snyder, Hal"
Having at least two sets of docs - current, and latest release - on the
web site is definitely a good idea.

I'd like to rearrange the developer's area on the web site a little,
will get back to this list with the results in a day or so.

Something like <DocumentRoot>/docs/dev would make sense for housing docs
in progress - the exact location of the directory tree doesn't much matter
as long as it's accessible to the PostgreSQL virtual host and uses relative
links internally.


----- Forwarded message from "Thomas G. Lockhart"
<> -----
btw, this brings up a question: if we generate snapshot docs on a, say,
daily basis and post them on the web site should that be in a different
place than where they are posted currently? There should probably be a
stable set of docs from the last release and then a different place for
docs related to the current development tree.

What do you think Hal? Where should development or snapshot docs go??

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