Thread: setting up postgres 8.0.4-1

setting up postgres 8.0.4-1

Gunnar Thielebein
I've set up postgresql  8.0.4-1 via cygwin_setup but had some
problems registering it as service and connecting to database.

I followed exactly the Cygwin/postgresql-8.0.4.README but this did not
worked for me first.

For installing as service with cygrunsrv I had to put --env
CYGWIN=server as additional parameter


    # cygrunsrv --install postmaster --path /usr/bin/postmaster --args
"-D /srv/pgsql \
    -i" --dep cygserver --termsig INT --user postgres --shutdown --env

For initializing the superuser in the template1 database I had to put in
--user=postgres as additional parameter
(or your specified username postmaster is running with, you could
specifiy other username then loginname but this needs to be mapped in
pg_hba.conf ) to initdb

    # /usr/sbin/initdb -D /srv/pgsql --user=postgres

By the way anyone know where I can set global (not user!) environmental
variables like this server stuff in cygwin (not in windows)?

Hope someone can benefit from this.