Thread: Postmaster core dumps

Postmaster core dumps

"Costa, Rodrigo Alves"
Hello :)

I have installed cygwin under a wxp machine and everything went good
until the time I had to start postmaster (postmaster -D
/usr/local/pgsql/data/). After that, I got a Segmentation Fault (Core
Dumped) message.

I have searched the internet for solutions regarding this problem and
looks like you have gone little far in it (I have seen even wonderings
on semaphores). I would like to know if you have a solution so I can
bring the server up.

Thank you very much!

Rodrigo Alves Costa
Project Management Institute Member
Test Project Coordinator
Siemens Com SHC - R&D Manaus
Phone:  +55 92 3672 3242
Mobile: +55 92 8118 2999

Re: Postmaster core dumps

"Nick Adami"
Try getting the latest snapshot of cygwin.  It worked for me.
See this post for more details:

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Costa, Rodrigo Alves" <>
To: <>
Subject: [CYGWIN] Postmaster core dumps
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 20:15:01 -0200

Hello :)

I have installed cygwin under a wxp machine and everything went good
until the time I had to start postmaster (postmaster -D
/usr/local/pgsql/data/). After that, I got a Segmentation Fault (Core
Dumped) message.

I have searched the internet for solutions regarding this problem and
looks like you have gone little far in it (I have seen even wonderings
on semaphores). I would like to know if you have a solution so I can
bring the server up.

Thank you very much!

Rodrigo Alves Costa
Project Management Institute Member
Test Project Coordinator
Siemens Com SHC - R&D Manaus
Phone:  +55 92 3672 3242
Mobile: +55 92 8118 2999

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