Thread: doubt



I just starting to get involved on the open source environment, my name is
juan and really interested on learning about Postgre SQL.

Accordding what I have read, PostgreSQL is based on two main function or

1.- Server Side, which main functions are Database Creating and Managing, as
well as Maintenance and Troubleshooting.

2.-Client Side, which main functions are Database Query, and remote data

I am trying to install PostgreSQL on my computer, however it seems i require
Unix System intalled on it before creating any table on PostgreSQL. Actually
i have MS-DOS sistem on my computer so i will have to install Linux. My
question is, can i install Mandrake 10.1 on my computer before installing
PostgreSQL?, is that enough?. I think once Linux gets installed the whole
syste will work on Unix Operating System then i would be able to install
PostgreSQL, right?,or do i have to install a more powerfull Linux version in
order to start creating the Database.

On the other hand, i downloaded "" from postgreSQL page,
is this the package the one i must install to initiate creating my database?

Thanks for your answers.
Kind Regards