Thread: Dynamic IP Addresses problem

Dynamic IP Addresses problem

Richard Dockery
I am new to Postgres and have just got the server side and PGAdmin set up on
my windows system.  I have the POSGRESQL.CONF tcpip_socket = true set to
allow TCP/IP traffic and have added the configuration to the PG_HBA file to
allow access to the user account running PGAdmin.  All worked well until I
discovered we are set up with dynamic IP addresses.  After rebooting my
machine the next day and getting a new IP address I can no longer connect
without modifying the address in the PG_HBA configuration file.  My question
is this:  Is there a way to mask the IP address in the configuration file so
that it is not dependent on a static address? ...or is there another way to
configure Postgres so that dynamic IP Addresses are not an issue when
connecting from windows machines?
Thank you,

Richard Dockery
Facilities Information Technology Group
University Of New Hampshire