Thread: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (windows 2000, Postgres 7.3.4, cygwin 1.5.5-1)

STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION (windows 2000, Postgres 7.3.4, cygwin 1.5.5-1)

"keith quint"
I have been using cygwin and postgres 7.1.3 for some time and I have just upgraded to cygwin 1.5.5-1 and postgres7.3.4 and its all gone pear shaped.
It seems that 'ipc-deamon' no longer exists and I have to use 'ipc-deamon2' prior to starting the postmaster. I managed to start the postmaster and initialise the directory using 'initbd -D /usr/local/pgsql/data' unfortunatly when I try to create the database I get:-
$createdb <dbname>
psql: server closed the connection unexpectedly
    this probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request.
createdb: database creation failed
The Debug line from the postmaster is: segmentation fault <core dumped>
The postmaster.exe.stackdump :-
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=008C316D
eax=00000000 ebx=0022F7D4 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000148 edi=00000000
ebp=0022F74C esp=0022F5D0 program=f:\cygwin\bin\postgres.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0022F74C  008C316D  (00000148, 0022F818, 00000001, 0022F814)
0022F794  008C50A8  (00000148, 0022F818, 00000001, 0022F814)
0022F7D8  7503C11F  (00000148, 0022F818, 00000001, 0022F814)
0022F868  6102D128  (6160318C, 0022F920, 00000018, 00000000)
0022F8C8  61043F3D  (00000007, 0022F920, 00000018, 00000000)
0022F8E8  610465F6  (00000007, 0022F920, 00000018, 00000000)
0022F908  00510B80  (0022F920, 00000018, 0022F948, 6103EB65)
0022F948  0050FFBA  (00000414, 0050E160, 00000414, 0000008B)
0022F978  0050E2EE  (00000414, 0000008B, 00000001, 0000037C)
0022F9A8  0050DEDF  (00000014, 00000000, 00000004, FFFFFFFF)
0022F9D8  610122B3  (00000005, 0022FA18, 0022FA10, 0022F8A4)
0022FA58  0050CCE9  (00000002, 00000001, 00000000, 100267E0)
0022FEB8  0050C1D4  (00000003, 10020448, 00000000, 00000001)
0022FEF0  004DC688  (00000003, 61600B34, 10020330, 0022FF24)
0022FF40  61005018  (610CFEE0, FFFFFFFE, 000003D4, 610CFE04)
0022FF90  610052ED  (00000000, 00000000, 8043138F, 00000000)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)
I have tried the documentation and I've reinistalled cygwin as well as all of the packages from scratch still no joy. Anybody any ideas?