Thread: Strange behaviour - Inserts speeding, Selects are very slow

Strange behaviour - Inserts speeding, Selects are very slow

"Marek Lewczuk"
I'm quite new in PostgreSQL, but what I already know is that windows
Cygwin version of PG isn't working properly. I have made simple test
with insert and select. I was delighted in a speed of insertion query -
it is faster than mysql or other dbms (which I was using before) -
belive me - it was insertion of about 50 000 records. But when I wanted
to make selection query "SELECT * FROM ..." I wasn't so happy, becouse
MySQL do it 2-3 times faster. So my question Is: is it a windows problem
or maybe it's a nature of PostgreSQL engine ?? Usualy the situation is
different - insertions are slower than selects.

I was using "psql" to make querys, and the results was outputed to some

Best wishes,