Thread: win2k password problems

win2k password problems

I recently installed cygwin psql on NT 4 and it worked perfectly

However I went home and tried the same on my W2k pc and ran straight into problems!
I installed cygwin and it seemed to work fine, I ran initdb and installed odbc, however trying to open a connection
(usingADO in VB) just returns a 'login failed for user' message 

I login all the time as 'Administrator' and I have a password set
I then did some investigation - I tried to do an SU from Cygwin and it would not do it - password not accepted!
I tried passwd, and changing password from windows, still didn't work

I even tried editting the passwd file to remove the dummy 'not used by windows' thing, and that did allow su to work,
butstill no connection by ODBC 

Is there any reason why I might be getting this, or any other diagnostics I can try?

I am actually trying to create a demo CD which will install Cygwin PSql, ODBC and a VB application to send out to
people,and need to resolve any security problems with any windows versions before attempting this! 

Thanks for any help
Martin C

Re: win2k password problems

Jason Tishler

On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 10:51:20PM +0100, Martin Chantler wrote:
> I tried to do an SU from Cygwin and it would not do it - password not
> accepted!
> [snip]
> Is there any reason why I might be getting this,

See the following:


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