Thread: PostgeSQL unable to restore database from previous version 7.2 to 7.3

PostgeSQL unable to restore database from previous version 7.2 to 7.3

I answered my own question:

I need to issue this command,

psql template1 < backup

----- Forwarded by Martin Hurst/CAMP/DC/CNG on 12/18/2002 03:45 PM -----

                    Martin Hurst
                    12/18/2002           cc:
                    03:33 PM             Subject:     [CYGWIN] PostgeSQL unable to restore database from previous
                                          version 7.2 to 7.3

I created the backup of the 7.2 database, removed the 7.2 database, and
installed the 7.3 database.
When I try to restore into the new 7.3 version, I'm getting this message:

$ psql < backup
FATAL:  Database "hurstm2" does not exist in the system catalog.
psql: FATAL:  Database "hurstm2" does not exist in the system catalog.

The 7.3 Postgres was created in the eact same location as the 7.2 cluster.
The user "hurstm2" issued the "initdb -D ..." command to created the

So what would be causing this type of error message?
