Thread: Re: Bug : unable to increase the number of client

Re: Bug : unable to increase the number of client

Jason Tishler

On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 10:15:52AM +0100, wrote:
> Sorry, I send this help request  directly to you, but I did not see it
> appearing on the mailing list.
> May be, I missed something ?

The correct address is:


> I'am trying to tune the configuration of PostgreSQL 7.1.3 under Windows
> 2000 with Cygwin 1.3.10
> I want to test the installation pgbench
> All is approximately OK up to 25 clients.
> For a number a litle bit larger of client, I get a fatal error reported in
> the next log file (See attached file: FATAL.LOG)
> 2002-02-22 07:03:13 [1776]   DEBUG:  query: insert into
> history(tid,bid,aid,delta,time) values(10,1,70266,193,'now')
> /usr/bin/postmaster: reaping dead processes...
> /usr/bin/postmaster: CleanupProc: pid 2936 exited with status 0
> FATAL: s_lock(0x1a4e0016) at spin.c:158, stuck spinlock. Aborting.
> FATAL: s_lock(0x1a4e0016) at spin.c:158, stuck spinlock. Aborting.
> Stack trace:
> Frame     Function  Args
> 0022EE88  77E76A3D  (00000000, 00000046, 00020000, 6105A5E9)
> For a larger number of client, Windows 2000 is unable create all the needed
> backend (See attached file: FORK_F~1.LOG)
> 2002-03-14 14:22:22 [2544]   DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
> /usr/bin/postmaster: BackendStartup: fork failed: Resource temporarily
> unavailable
> Backend startup failed
> pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection
> The max_connectionsparameter is set to 200. The PostgreSQL configuration
> file is (See attached file: POSTGR~1.CON)
> and the cygwin diagnostic file (See attached file: cygwin_conf_diag.txt)
> Any help would be very strongly appreciated

There are known issues with pgbench (or many clients) under Cygwin.
My WAG is that cygipc is the culprit.  Search the archives for more

The bad news is I can't help you with this problem.  The good news is
that Cygwin will support IPC directly *without* cygipc "real soon now."

So, if this is important to you, then consider contributing to the
Cygwin IPC (and daemon) effort.  Otherwise, your choices are to wait for
Cygwin IPC or attempt to fix cygipc yourself.
