Thread: cannot rename init file

cannot rename init file

Thomas Pfau
Windows 2000, cygwin and cygipc just updated today, postgresql 7.1.3.

If we have processes accessing the database when we perform a vacuum,
the pg_internal.init file becomes locked.  Any attempts to connect to
the database with psql issue a NOTICE message about not being able to
replace this file.  Attempts to connect with any other application
usually fail.  Things clear up once all active connections to the
database close down.

We need to perform a vacuum on a regular basis due to a few tables
receiving regular updates.  Our application can't afford to shut down so
we can perform a vacuum.

Another user with the same problem was previously discussed here without
a resolution.

I can pretty much reproduce this at will on our systems.

c:\> psql
psql> vacuum testtable;
psql> \! psql

The spawned psql normally will issue the warning message.

tom_p --
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