Thread: postgresql startup problem on win2k

postgresql startup problem on win2k

    I wrote about this a while back, but didn't get anywhere in fixing it. So because of another reason i had to reinstall 2k on my laptop, and i did a cygwin upgrade, setup version, cygwin .dll version 1.3.6, which came with postgresql, and i'm having the same problem. Here goes.
    Installed 2k and service pack 2, downloaded cygwin, installed it, then i went and got the latest ipc-daemon 1.11 i bellieve the version is, installed and started it, it worked fine. I then created the postgres user account in control panel/users and passwords, and granted said user the log on as a service right in security policies. I then installed postmaster as a service. 
 cygrunsrv --install postmaster --path /usr/bin/postmaster --args "-D /usr/share/postgresql/data -i" --dep ipc-daemon --termsig INT --user postgres --shutdown
I then created the postgresql data directory and chowned it to postgres, finally i sshd to localhost and logged in as postgres and initialized the database:
initdb -D /usr/share/postgresql/data
and started postmaster:
net start postmaster
I was then able to connect to postgresql using psql.
    Ok, did all that, then some more unrelated stuff, then shutdown. This morning i find the postmaster service wasn't started even though it had it's startup status set to automatic. I then tried to start it from service manager and from net start, each time getting the service did not return an error code, net helpmsg 3534 which basically said the same thing. I then got the bright idea of checking my logs, they're attached. the log.txt is my application log, where i see some information about postmaster complaining about missing registry keys, and the syslog.txt is the system log where i'm getting some errors from what looks like the server service, that i do not know if they're related.
    I would appreciate any suggestions, and i apologize for the long winded nature of this email.

Re: postgresql startup problem on win2k

On Mon, Dec 31, 2001 at 03:12:15PM -0500, dave wrote:
>     the log.txt is my application log, where i see some
>     information about postmaster complaining about missing registry
>     keys,

Don't worry about the "missing registry keys" part of the event data.
That text seems to appear whenever a cygwin process generates an event
log entry; it does not indicate a specific problem.  The only
pertinent part of the event data is the text that follows "... is part
of the event:".

Did you check /var/log/postmaster.log?  It might indicate why
postmaster failed to start.

If your Win32 system restarts without the postmaster process exiting
cleanly, such as happens if the machine is power-cycled, the file may be left over and postmaster will refuse to
start.  In that case, simply delete $PGDATA/ and then
try starting the postmaster service again.

Fred Yankowski           tel: +1.630.879.1312
OntoSys, Inc        PGP keyID: 7B449345        fax: +1.630.879.1370     38W242 Deerpath Rd, Batavia, IL 60510-9461, USA