Thread: How to stop properly Postmaster NT Service

How to stop properly Postmaster NT Service

Bonefoy Rémi
First of all, i would like to thank you for your very good job in this
mailing list.

I have installed Postgres7.1 as an NT service (NT4 sp6). After a lot of
problems, now, it runs nicely (i have re-compiled postgres with my own
and noticed that ipc-daemon starts better when it is installed via Invoker
of its own invocation --install-as-service).

My problem is that Postgres don't stop correctly when it is installed as a

At the boot time, it find the file /usr/share/postgresql/ and

When i worked with the 7.03 version, postmaster failed only when it started
before ipc-daemon. Except this case, it started very nicely.

I read the Fred Yankowski discussion on this subject :

and saw that it was in developpement.

So i'm wondering if removing the file /usr/share/postgresql/
at the boot
time is a good thing to start Postmaster or if  i should return to the 7.03
version (good
bye outer join !!).

Have you a tip to stop properly postmaster NT service or i have to wait for
a new
version ? (I would proposed myself for developping this function but my C++
is so
bad, like my english :-) )

Rémi Bonefoy