Thread: pgsql: Improve ResourceOwners' behavior for large numbers of owned obje

pgsql: Improve ResourceOwners' behavior for large numbers of owned obje

Tom Lane
Improve ResourceOwners' behavior for large numbers of owned objects.

The original coding was quite fast so long as objects were always
released in reverse order of addition; otherwise, it degenerated into
O(N^2) behavior due to searching for the array element to delete.
Improve matters by switching to hashed storage when the number of
objects of a given type exceeds 64.  (The cutover point is open to
discussion, of course, but some simple performance testing suggests
that hashing has enough overhead to be a loser below there.)

Also, refactor resowner.c so that we don't need N copies of the array
management code.  Since all the resource IDs the code currently needs
to deal with are either pointers or integers, it seems sufficient to
create a one-size-fits-all infrastructure in which everything is
converted to a Datum for storage.

Aleksander Alekseev, reviewed by Stas Kelvich, further fixes by me



Modified Files
src/backend/access/hash/hashfunc.c    |    3 +
src/backend/utils/resowner/resowner.c |  955 +++++++++++++++------------------
2 files changed, 446 insertions(+), 512 deletions(-)